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2021 Virtual Show Winners

Paul Haskee var VL 1533.JPG

Class A, Japonica Unprotected, Large - Very Large

Best Bloom

Paul Haskee variegated

Exhibitor Name: Smith

Georgia National Fair L 1497.jpg

Class A, Japonica Unprotected, Large - Very Large


Georgia National Fair

Exhibitor Name: Fisher

Guest Star Med 1450.jpeg

Class A, Japonica Unprotected, Medium

Best Bloom

Guest Star

Exhibitor Name: Zylich

Dr Burnside Med 1490.jpg

Class A, Japonica Unprotected, Medium


Dr. Burnside

Exhibitor Name: Walker

Tama Peacock Sm 1523.JPG

Class A, Japonica Unprotected, Small

Best Bloom

Tama Peacock

Exhibitor Name: Buffum

Man Size Sm 1136.JPG

Class A, Japonica Unprotected, Small


Man Size

Exhibitor Name: Smith

Elegans Splendor L 1133.jpg

Class B, Japonica Protected, Large - Very Large

Best Bloom

Elegans Splendor

Exhibitor Name: McKinnon

Mabel Bryan Strawberry L 1430.jpg

Class B, Japonica Protected, Large - Very Large


Mabel Bryan Strawberry

Exhibitor Name: McKinnon

Ville De Nantes Med 1242 Cls B.jpg

Class B, Japonica Protected, Medium

Best Bloom

Ville de Nantes

Exhibitor Name: Clark

Tama Americana Med 1326.jpg

Class B, Japonica Protected, Medium


Tama Americana

Exhibitor Name: Black 

Black Tie Sm 1147.jpg

Class B, Japonica Protected, Small

Best Bloom

Black Tie

Exhibitor Name: Black

Chris Bergamini Sm 1250.jpg

Class B, Japonica Protected, Small


Chris Bergamini

Exhibitor Name: Black

Dr Clifford Parks VL 1272.jpg

Class C, Retic and Retic Hybrid, Unprotected, Very_Large

Best Bloom

Dr. Clifford Parks

Exhibitor Name: Clark

Miss Sally VL 1256.jpg

Class C, Retic and Retic Hybrid, Unprotected, Very_Large


Miss Sally

Exhibitor Name: Serpas

Adrienne Boueres Med 1264.JPG

Class C, Retic and Retic Hybrid, Unprotected, Small_to_Large

Best Bloom

Adrienne Boueres

Exhibitor Name: Crawford

Crimson Candles Sm 1715.JPG

Class C, Retic and Retic Hybrid, Protected, 

Small to Large


Crimson Candles

Exhibitor Name: Hunter

Halls Pride var VL 1795.jpg

Class D, Retic and Retic Hybrid, Protected, Very_Large

Best Bloom

Hall's Pride variegated

Exhibitor Name: McKinnon

Frank Houser VL 1125.jpg

Class D, Retic and Retic Hybrid, Protected, Very_Large


Frank Houser

Exhibitor Name: McKinnon

Valentine Day var L 2018.jpg

Class D, Retic and Retic Hybrid, Protected, Small_to_Large

Best Bloom

Valentine Day variegated

Exhibitor Name: McKinnon

Class D, Non-Retic Hybrid, Protected,

Small to Large


No Entry

Cile Mitchell var L 1798.jpg

Class E, Non-Retic Hybrid, Unprotected,

Large to Very_Large

Best Bloom

Cile Mitchell variegated

Exhibitor Name: Fisher

Mona Jury L 2028.jpeg

Class E, Non-Retic Hybrids, Unprotected,

Large to Very Large


Mona Jury

Exhibitor Name: Zylich

Spring Daze Sm 1801.JPG

Class E, Non-Retic Hybrids, Unprotected,

Small to Medium

Best Bloom

Spring Daze

Exhibitor Name: Smith

Waltz Time Med 1729.jpg

Class E, Non-Retic Hybrids, Unprotected,

Small to Medium


Waltz Time

Exhibitor Name: Serpas

Cile Mitchell L 1987.jpg

Class F, Non-Retic Hybrid, Protected,

Large to Very Large

Best Bloom

Cile Mitchell

Exhibitor Name: Black

Class F, Non-Retic Hybrid, Protected,

Large to Very Large


(No entry)

Exhibitor Name

Arctic Dawn Med 1832.jpg

Class F, Non-Retic Hybrid, Protected,

Small or Medium

Best Bloom

Arctic Dawn

Exhibitor Name: Black

Julia Med 1787.jpg

Class F, Non-Retic Hybrid, Protected,

Small or Medium




Exhibitor Name: McKinnon

Mens Mini var Mini 1830.jpg

Class G, Unprotected, Miniature

Best Bloom

Men's Mini variegated

Exhibitor Name: Fisher

Little Too Mini 1118.jpg

Class G, Unprotected, Miniature


Little Too

Exhibitor Name: Fisher

Mini Pink Mini 1459.jpg

Class H, Protected, Miniature

Best Bloom

Mini Pink

Exhibitor Name: Black

Fircone var Mini 1883.jpg

Class H, Protected, Miniature


Fircone variegated

Exhibitor Name: Black

Edna Bass L 2051.jpeg

Class I, TCC, Unprotected or Protected,

Large or Very Large

Best Bloom

Edna Bass

Exhibitor Name: Zylich

Tiffany L 1168.jpeg

Class I, TCC, Unprotected or Protected,

Large or Very Large



Exhibitor Name: Zylich

Margaret Davis Picotee Med 1277.jpeg

Class I, TCC, Unprotected or Protected, Medium

Best Bloom

Margaret Davis Picotee

Exhibitor Name: Zylich

Donckelarii Med 1895.jpeg

Class I, TCC, Unprotected or Protected, Medium



Exhibitor Name: Zylich

Les Marbury Red Sm 1741.jpeg

Class I, TCC, Unprotected or Protected, 

Small or Miniature

Best Bloom

Les Marbury Red

Exhibitor Name: Zylich

April Dawn Blush Sm 1286.JPG

Class I, TCC, Unprotected or Protected, 

Small or Miniature


April Dawn Blush

Exhibitor Name: Schiff

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